successful 4th IFK World Tournament

4Hanshi Steve Arneil with Senpai Talal Al-Manaseer and Senpai Saud Al-Amiri

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate Hanshi Steve Arneil 10th Dan and the International Federation of Karate (Kyokushin) on a successful 4th World Tournament in Crawley at K2.

The competitors, country representatives and officials displayed great skill and teamwork throughout this tournament which resulted in a great event and success.

True Karate and Budo was witnessed from the competitors both men and woman who represented different countries and organisations.

We in Kuwait through Hanshi Steve Arneil and the IFK will continue to develop for better understanding of Kyokushin Karate philosophies and Budo to discipline our self and students.

I would like to extend my thanks to Shihan Liam Keaveney 7th Dan, Shihan David Pickthall 6th Dan, IFK Chief Referee Shihan Alex Kerrigan 7th Dan and everyone who worked hard with true Budo spirit for the success of this world tournament.

Sensei Ali Al-Manaseer 3rd Dan
IFK Kuwait Country Representative1Shihan Liam Keaveny with Senpai Talal Al-Manaseer and Senpai Saud Al-Amiri

3Shihan Alex Kerrigan with Senpai Talal Al-Manaseer and Senpai Saud Al-Amiri

2Shihan Victor Fomin and Russian Fighter Alexey Gorokhov with Senpai Saud Al-Amiri

5Hanshi Steve Arneil promoting Senpai Saud Al-Amiri to Shodan

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