International Federation of Karate (Kyokushin)

The International Federation of Karate (Kyokushin) was founded in 1992 by Hanshi Steve Arneil. IFK is a continuation of the Kyokushin Karate that was developed by Sosai Mas Oyama 10th Dan.

Hanshi Steve Arneil is considered to be one of the main figures who trained under Sosai Mas Oyama and helped in spreading the idea and knowledge of Kyokushin to the world.

Hanshi Steve Arneil 10th Dan

International Federations badge has as its central symbol a rising wave. This symbol is taken from Saiha Kata. This wave symbolizes the fact that no matter how great a task or problem before you is with determination and perseverance you can rise and overcome all obstacles.

Hanshi Steve Arneil and his Family took part in developing this symbol and adapting the philosophy behind it and due to the close relationship of father and student between Hanshi and Sosai even after his resignation from Japan he consulted him regarding this matter and when Hanshi got the approval from Sosai he started to lay down the foundation of the International Federation of Karate (Kyokushin).

International Federation of Karate (kyokushin)

Hanshi is considered to be one of the closest and best students of Sosai he started Training with him in a very early stage. He made note of Sosai Training method and philosophy and because of that for the past four decayed he has been teaching Kyokushin Karate through the spirit of Sosai.

One of the main points Hanshi made sure to have in the IFK is taking all aspects of Kyokushin into Consideration Kihon, Kata, and Kumite preserving them as they have been thought by Sosai and developing it to the better.

The International Federation of Karate (Kyokusin) headquarters is based in the UK and has braches all around the world and it is committed to spreading and teaching Kyokushin Karate based on the Teaching of Hanshi Steve Arneil and under his guidance and supervision who is considered the direct link to the teaching of Sosai Mas Oyama.